Who we are? - T-mobilitat

Who is behind T-mobilitat?

T-mobilitat is the digital validation system with contactless technology for the public transport network in the Barcelona area, available since 2021.

The project is led by the Government of Catalonia, driven by the Barcelona Metropolitan Transport Authority (ATM), the Barcelona Metropolitan Area (AMB), and the public operators Transports Metropolitans de Barcelona (TMB) and Ferrocarrils de la Generalitat de Catalunya (FGC)

The ATM of the Barcelona area is responsible for the daily management and ongoing development of the project. It does so through a contract with SOC Mobilitat, the company providing the technological system that enables T-mobilitat.

A T-mobilitat card with the ATM logo.
The ATM logo on the front of a bus.

The Barcelona Metropolitan Transport Authority

ATM is the public consortium that coordinates the entire integrated public transport network in the Barcelona area, covering more than 300 municipalities across the province.

The ATM consortium is composed of the Government of Catalonia (51%) and local administrations (49%), including the Barcelona City Council, the Barcelona Metropolitan Area (AMB), and the Association of Municipalities for Mobility and Urban Transport (AMTU).

ATM’s goal is to facilitate cooperation between public administrations responsible for public transport services and infrastructure, as well as collaboration with financial contributors or administrations that manage their own or non-transferred services.

The Integrated Fare System

ATM is also the creator of the Integrated Fare System (STI), in effect since 2001, which allows citizens to travel using a unified range of transport tickets on the metro, train, tram, and buses operated by around fifty different companies. The system divides the ATM territory into zones and rings.

T-mobilitat represents the technological evolution of this fare system, providing the necessary foundation for future advancements.

Two girls look at the integrated transport map.
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