Contact channels - T-mobilitat

Free phone number: 900 928 900
- Monday-Sunday: 07-23h
365 days a year.

Web form
If you have any questions, complaints, or suggestions about your T-mobilitat card, you can easily reach us through our form, 24 hours a day.

Customer and information center
- Mondays-Fridays: 8-20h
If you come without an appointment, you can take a number until 19:30h.
- Saturdays, Sundays and holidays*: 9-14h
If you come without an appointment, you can take a number until 13:30h.
*Closed on December 24th, 26th, and January 6th.
Conditions of use of customer service channels
T-mobilitat has a large team of people at your disposal to listen to suggestions, try to answer your questions, and help you to complete procedures through our customer service channels.
Behind every call, there is a person. So we invite everyone to avoid certain attitudes and inappropriate content in communications, for the benefit of the staff at T-mobilitat, and your own and that of society in general. In this sense, we require that everyone avoid:
- Offensive, violent or inappropriate language
- Discriminatory comments
- Advertising or promotion of other companies
- Information regarding third-parties where there is no permission to share it
- Violations of copyright or intellectual property
- Sensitive information (e.g., bank card numbers, health data, ideology, ethnicity, etc.).
- Personal information (email, phone numbers, address, passwords, etc.). If you need to provide us with this information, please remember to do so via a private message or through the channel indicated by our service team.
If you follow these guidelines, we've got your back. On social media, we will remove comments that do not meet these standards, and we will block users who repeatedly break these rules.