La targeta anònima - T-mobilitat

T-mobilitat without prior registration


The T-mobilitat anonymous card is designed for less frequent users or tourists who need an instantly usable card for occasional public transportation.

  • Cost: €1.
  • No registration required.
  • Does not allow topping up all integrated transportation passes.
  • Rechargeable, but only with one pass type at a time.
  • It is available at ticket machines and official sales points.
  • Has fewer features and advantages than the personalized card or mobile app.
  • Made of cardboard but equipped with the same contactless validation chip as the personalised card.
Non-personalised cardboard T-mobilitat card

What you need to know about non-personalised card

  • With the app: through the 'Top up or check’ option in the app; you'll need to hold the card to the back of your phone, choose the ticket you want to purchase, and then hold the card to the phone again to complete the process.
  • At the ticket machines: hold the card to the contactless readers on the metro, train, or tram machines, choose the ticket you want, pay, and then hold the card to the reader again.
  • In the network of tobacconists authorized as points of sale.

This table shows the types of cards available in the T-mobilitat system, the fare options available on each card and the price of each type of card. The first column shows the fare options available in the T-mobilitat system; then, each column represents a type of card. In the box where a type of card and a type of fare option coincide, you will find a green check if they are compatible or a red cross if they are not. The last row contains the price of each type of card, which occupies the four columns following the first one.

Types of cards and titles that allow loading
Personalised cardMobileAnonymous cardT-usual
T-usualIt allows itIt allows itNot allowedIt allows it
T-casualIt allows itIt allows itIt allows itNot allowed
T-joveIt allows itIt allows itNot allowedNot allowed
T-familiarIt allows itIt allows itIt allows itNot allowed
T-grupIt allows itIt allows itIt allows itNot allowed
Subsidised T-usual (unemployed individuals)It allows itNot allowedNot allowedNot allowed
Titles for single-parent and large families (FM/FN)It allows itIt allows itNot allowedNot allowed
Recover your journeys if you lose themIt allows itIt allows itNot allowedNot allowed
PRICE4,5 €1 €11

If you have purchased a pass and wish to return it, this can be done within 24 hours from the date of purchase to obtain a refund, provided that it has not been used.

  • If you bought it in person, in a service point or a ticket machine, you must ask for a refund at a customer service and information point of the same operator from which you bought the pass (e.g., if you bought a T-usual at a TMB point, you must return to a TMB point; if you bought the pass at Rodalies, you must return to Rodalies).
  • If the card is within the 6-month warranty period and stops working, you can request a free replacement from a station agent or at a service point. They will provide you with a replacement card with the remaining journeys. The free replacement is available as long as the card has not been damaged due to misuse by the user.
  • If the card is outside the 6-month warranty period and stops working, you can request a duplicate at a service point by paying 1€, and you will receive a duplicate while retaining the remaining journeys. If you have no remaining journeys, you can simply purchase a new one from a ticket machine.
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